『アート] [結婚式の贈り物┇横一回転するライトボックス Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、678の入札を集めて04月30日 02時 47分に、11,834円で落札されました。即決価格は11,834円でした。決済方法はに対応。東京都からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
This product is "made to order" and starts the process after making the payment, it takes on average 5 days to build (not including holiday) ☺ Stories ☺ Beautiful Family Photos, Want to Save? Tired of ordinary photo frame, the preservation of the phase it? Then try it, the most special photo engraving! let the most beautiful moment, to accompany every corner of life! ☺ customized photo engraving ☺ As long as the photos or pictures available to designers, can be customized most special three-dimensional photo engraving 唷! ☞ designers advice: the size of the photo as much as 1MB, the effect of carving out the more detailed Oh! ✔ The front engraving surface is solid! ✔ The picture will be clearly visible when the lights are turned on. ☺ The Night Stand is available ☺ can also be used as a beautiful setting Turns on Light is a practical night light ~ the most beautiful moment d (d∀ ) ✔ family happy travel photos are also very suitable for this presentation!! ☺ slide design ☺ slide design, let you ☺ Material / Size ☺ and bottom cover made of beech plank Pillar made of pine wood Base made of pine wood Photo made of acrylic Lightbox size long x WxH with chassis height approx. 18 x 18 x 23 cm Photo size L x W x H 18 x 13 cm ✔ Product patent positive sign: M459999 ✔ This product won the National Invention Award for 103 years Award - Creation of Silver Award Winning ☞ designer reminder: beautiful light box A total of four pictures can be engraved, if you want to engrave the same photo on all sides no problem !!! light box will be shipped when shipping a 5W yellow light bulb, can be replaced by their own different colors of light bulbs Oh
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678 入札履歴