『【模造金地金インゴット拡散香石ギフトボックスグループ】#伴手礼#婚纱小物#端午节#治変化小物#生日礼#中秋节#老师节#クリスマス Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-e6ccf21db3から出品され、161の入札を集めて04月20日 17時 03分に、2,446円で落札されました。即決価格は2,446円でした。決済方法はに対応。兵庫県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Customizable corporate gold bullion logos can be customized [Realistic gold bullion ingot diffused stone gift box set] praise plus, customer wishes, can the real gold bullion ingot candle be made into diffused stone? soap mother originally had a headache Because of the lack of the gold, the taste is different. After some tests, it was successfully simulated. Just want that gold! is designed with a round theme, which symbolizes full wealth. Just want you to send, send, and send. ***Made by hand, the color will be slightly different, please understand, thank you. Reminder: There are many designs and colors, and the styles are only divided into two options: hollow circle or solid circle, and the colors are shipped randomly. stone size: diameter 7.5* 4cm gift box size: 17.5*13.2*5.2cm. (Please note the essential oil options when placing an order: lavender, rose geranium, rosemary mint, sweet orange, grapefruit, mosquito repellent, citronella. No notes will be shipped with you) eternal flowers are specially processed from natural flowers. The posture size of each flower material will be slightly different, so each happiness stone will not be exactly the same, the similarity is about 95%. [MIT hand-made diffused stone] is asbestos-free, safe and environmentally friendly. The diffused stone made of natural stone powder does not require heating or ignition. It is the safest and energy-saving method of diffused. It can be carried with you. It is an essential small item for home fragrance. [Use of diffuser stone in daily life] ﹡Place the diffuser stone in the kitchen, bathroom, dressing room, shoe cabinet, bedroom, etc., drop a few drops of lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, or lavender essential oil, or whatever you like The essential oil becomes the most natural air freshener, which can make the environment fragrant and good mood. ﹡When you go to work in the morning, you can put a diffuser in the car and put 3-5 drops of rosemary essential oil, peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, cypress essential oil or cypress essential oil to boost your energy and focus , Maintain a good mood when driving. (Do not store essential oils in the car to avoid high temperature deterioration) ﹡On the diffuser stone of the desk, you can use bergamot essential oil, geranium essential oil, lemon essential oil or neroli essential oil to help positive work mood. ﹡When you go out camping, place several diffuser stones around, and drip with citronella essential oil, lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil or basil essential oil and other insect repellent essential oils, not afraid of mosquitoes in the middle of the night, safe and good sleep, and more importantly, avoidable The chemical ingredients pollute the beautiful outdoor experience. ﹡The busy and tense life pressure makes it easy to insomnia and difficult to fall asleep. Add lavender essential oil to the diffuser to relax you and sleep well until dawn. (The light scent of lavender essential oil can help you fall asleep, but if the scent is too strong, it will have the opposite effect) girl friend, drop a series of floral essential oils into the diffuser stone to help add a romantic atmosphere. ﹡In addition to single essential oils and compound essential oils, you can also spray your favorite perfume on the diffuser to diffuse the fragrance! [Fragrance principle] absorbs moisture through the pores on the back and regulates the internal and external humidity to diffuse the fragrance. effect. When the humidity in the diffuser stone is higher than the air, water vapor is discharged to the air to achieve the effect of diffused; when the humidity of the diffuser stone is lower than the air, the water vapor is absorbed from the air, and the diffused effect is less obvious. At this time, spray on the surface The effect of diffused fragrance can be achieved by just tapping water. When the scent is gone, add a few drops of essential oils, which is environmentally friendly, practical and beautiful. natural stone powder. It does not require heating or ignition. It is the safest and energy-saving way to diffuse the fragrance. It can be carried with you. It is a small thing necessary for home fragrance. 【How to use diffuser stone】 ﹡You can directly add single essential oils, compound essential oils, or even perfumes, or drop mosquito essential oils to make mosquito-proof bricks. ﹡Drip about 5-8 drops of your favorite essential oil on the back of the diffuser, then pour a small amount of water to diffuse the fragrance. ﹡When you want to change the aroma of essential oils, you can soak the diffuser stone in clean water for 2-3 hours, wash the pores, and dry the diffuser stone to change the fragrance. [Characteristics of diffused stone] 1. The use of essential oils may leave traces of the diffused stone, which is a normal phenomenon. 2. The volatilization effect of diffused stone essential oil is related to the current environment. Humidity, dryness, open space and confined space can affect the environment. A small amount of testing can be carried out first. We will use it according to the size of the space. We will experience olfactory fatigue, so we don’t need to overuse it. It can reflect the aromatherapy effect of essential oils. 3. Special stone products of diffused stone, please handle it gently to avoid collision. It is normal that there is white powder on the bottom of your hand. Dark clothes will become white when you touch them, but they will come off by patting or washing. 4. The size of the diffusion stone will affect the diffusion range. 5. The drier the diffuser stone, the lighter the color, and the amount of water content will affect the color depth of the diffused stone. 6. The diffused stone is a handmade product and may have fine bubbles. Those who require absolute perfection, please consider it. =============================== ankh smooth Mu Four Seasons Handmade Soap official website: custom / OEM / wholesale, consult soap mom ankhsmooth@gmail.com # Handmade custom # diffuser stone customized # incense brick custom # candle customized #礼盒客制 #活动礼客制 #婚小物客制 #伴手礼客制 #企业送礼客制 #中秋节礼盒客制 #企业包班 service experience: LAMER Ocean Lana Event Gift Drums TSMC Handmade Soap Gift Box Anniversary of Water and Sea Marine Objects Dele’s Top Marseille Soap Event Aalto Finland Aalto EMBA Fragrant Brick Dinner Morandi Fragrant Brick Opening Ceremony Teacher’s Day Expanding Fragrant Stone Gift Box Custom Wedding Small Objects Custom Christmas Event Gifts Cultural and Creative Brand Handmade Soap Custom 17 Live 17 Baby Events Pinyu International Brand Joint Event Gifts Taipei Guide Palace Benefits Ma Shen joint library customized Pan Tokunaga auto industry, customized ritual activities Phrozen 3D Print letter Han Xiang dance Luodong hall # # stone immersive diffuser diffuser gold bullion diffuser stone stone # # does not Withered flower#礼盒#香刻石#永生花伸香石#妈妈节#婚纱小物# Valentine#ankhs
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