『カシミヤ カシミア/ボイルドウールショール/ニットスカーフ/刺繍スカーフ/カシミヤショール クリスマス交換ギフト 父の日ギフト Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、56の入札を集めて04月17日 13時 40分に、10,611円で落札されました。即決価格は10,611円でした。決済方法はに対応。長崎県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
▲Kashmir is close to the Himalayas. In order to combat the special cold climate, boiled wool is a meticulous craft developed by Kashmir using the local natural environment. The local altitude is high and the boiling point of water is low. When the sun rises in the morning, the wool is boiled. The finished product is soaked in melted plateau snow water, then heated and boiled. When the sun goes down in the evening, the wool products are dried in the moonlight. After complicated work, some impurities can be removed. The wool shrinks and the fibers become closer. Finally, it is hand-woven and embroidered by women to appear. Fabrics with unique colors and embroidery techniques ▲I like the sound of the shuttle hitting the wooden strips when weaving. There is always a sense of rustic tranquility. It is made with traditional handcraft techniques from the Himalayas ▲The simple warmth of the hand, The top-quality wool does not scratch the skin, making it a good choice for skin-friendliness and warmth. ▲ Three-dimensional butterfly pattern embroidery, each color is unique, and the details can be seen ▲ Retro and gorgeous colors, the combination is more personalized ▲The tassels on the edge make the material comfortable and warm ▲According to your daily good mood, you can wear it in a variety of ways ▲Delicate colors and details can be seen ▲Let the shawl take good care of you and no longer catch a cold in winter. You can also use in air-conditioned office rooms. ▲Travel around the world with this hand-touched embroidered shawl! It is also a creative gift for autumn and winter ▲ Comes with a hand-touch carton packaging, making it very convenient for you to give gifts ▲ Washable, hand washing is recommended, a laundry bag is required for machine washing ▲Material 100% Himalayan Kashmir Wool ▲ 70 Acceptable range of international inspection standards) ▲ Recommended cleaning method 1 - Use a plastic basin to put an appropriate amount of washing powder, adjust it evenly with slightly warm water, put the scarf flat in the basin, open your hands and press two and three times Ten times, let the washing powder solution pass back and forth through the gaps in the scarf fibers so that the fibers will not tangle with each other. 2 - Use the same method for washing with water until the scarf is clean. 3 - Rub the scarf dry. When drying the scarf, lay it flat on a towel or a clothes drying rack, and dry it naturally in a cool place, because ultraviolet rays will cause the wool to turn yellow.
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¥ 4290
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¥ 4290
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¥ 4290
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¥ 4290
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¥ 4290
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【アレンジ無限❣️】ふわふわくるくるレースマフラー カラフル黒系 Ω
¥ 2184
56 入札履歴