『【マルチカードポケットチェンジロングクリップ/クラッチバッグ】MISTERハンドメイド素材バッグカスタマイズレタリングレザー Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-e6ccf21db3から出品され、249の入札を集めて04月20日 09時 38分に、9,956円で落札されました。即決価格は9,956円でした。決済方法はに対応。熊本県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
MISTER top hand-stitched leather classic eight card pocket wallet can provide customized lettering. It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish. can only sew and polish yourself. can give gifts the most beautiful soul. The warmest gift for loved ones. **/Product Specifications/** -Color: Multi-color selection -Material description: Italian super vegetable tanned top layer leather -Specifications: 8-card wallet material set x1 we will provide hand-made needs With all the tools of, and supplemented by online videos for hand-made teaching, allows you to make the warmest gifts for your loved ones at home. **/Hand Dreaming/** Leather can breathe. We look for different leathers to feel their texture and delicateness. finally chose the Italian super vegetable tanned top layer leather. This is because the temperature in Italy is good. There are fewer insect nuisances to cattle, and the local animal husbandry is very developed. in Italy advocates not using chemical materials to preserve the original hides, and salting and pickling them by hand. therefore gives us the highest quality leather. Leather can breathe. Its color and luster will become more and more attractive as the user touches and uses it. But too dark color will make the process of raising the skin without significance. Therefore, we deliberately chose to use leather close to the original color. We hope that everyone can have their own unique leather and their own color. only hope that the gifts you give can become more beautiful with the people you love. **/Design Hall/** we are MISTER, MISTER means Mr. and Mr. is a very beautiful vocabulary for us, he represents many beautiful meanings, he may always Diligently, make you better sir. He may also be a gentleman who has been with you all his life. He is more likely to be the one who nurtures us for life, everything will do. Mr. who knows everything. and we hope that everyone can personally make the warmest gift for the gentleman in his heart, . This is what keeps us working hard. MISTER official website: MISTER BLOG: MISTER fan page: MISTER instagram: Origin/manufacturing methods handmade in Taiwan
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249 入札履歴