『トッテナム袋の肩の潮のお気に入り Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、429の入札を集めて04月17日 02時 35分に、4,734円で落札されました。即決価格は4,734円でした。決済方法はに対応。和歌山県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
43 x 42 x 6cm top volume natural hemp favorites tide shoulder tote sack dorsal stylish elegance is needed is stylish, tasteful, stylish and u is the most environmentally friendly spokesperson ※ Order now Jisong exquisite gift ─ 25 WX 30 HX (bottom Area 21 X 11cm) jute u beam of his mouth neap tide or a small sack sack every single buyer tide sack, he would Songnai beam port small bag or small tide sack, is u is his lunch bags yo. (Randomly presented, I can hardly pick a limited number, while supplies last!) [Ma] Anecdotes jute products loved by the Europeans, because hemp does not require the complete combustion can be bacteria in soil 100% absorption of decomposition, completely harmless to the environment. Europe found that jute toughness and plasticity, after research found that the tropical zone of the best types of anesthesia, especially in Bangladesh, India, began coaching planting, harvesting process stems immersed in water to make it soft, coupled with twist dye, textile, woven into a piece of cloth. [Material and Features] hemp is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fiber will be issued, jute can be woven into high-strength ropes. Material in importance only cotton plant fiber, has a variety of uses. Jute and was even called "golden fiber"; not only because it can exhibit a natural sheen and silky feel, more importantly, can be broken down and absorbed jute hundred percent creatures, completely harmless to the environment. In the past mostly as agriculture, industrial products, packaging materials. However, in recent years, through continuous updating technology, and new materials for designers willing to do more design attention, jute knit begin favored. Jute is very heavy dirt-resistant, can withstand about each 5--10 kg. Jute has the most natural rough touch. [Maintenance] hemp Jute (Jute) for the natural plant materials, if dirty, please use a small brush to gently brush the wet stain. Never recommend flushing into the washing machine for dry cleaning. The first time you open the bag, there will be natural plant hemp flavor, use two or three days the natural dissipation. Encountered rain splash, place to dry naturally, without specifically sunlight exposure.
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429 入札履歴