『【Zhimu】限定手作り風景スカーフ 青染め 藍染め 草木染め 手作りデザイン 軽くて薄い形のスカーフ/ショール/スカーフ、カス Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-17e346305fから出品され、340の入札を集めて04月15日 19時 02分に、9,862円で落札されました。即決価格は9,862円でした。決済方法はに対応。山形県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Aizen-Long Landscape Scarf - is so beautiful and ethereal, is so beautiful, seems like time does not exist, There is only endless dialogue between people and space. - /Product Features/ piece of hand-dyed work is unique and cannot be reproduced material is made of comfortable and light combed cotton, which is not only beautiful but also it is for yourself or as a gift All are very suitable. *Included plant dyeing pocket x1 uses a relatively soft and breathable material, which will not cause too hot burden in summer, and the unique line design makes the body shape more slender. It can also be used as a scarf to protect the neck from the cold when the temperature turns cold, and it is also suitable for use when the season changes. /Material Description/ Color Source: Blue : 100% It takes 2-3 working days (excluding holidays) to make * You can come to the Taipei studio to design for you, or buy on-site * Each computer and mobile phone have different color differences , For those who care about color difference, please forgive *Hand-dyed products will be affected by multiple factors such as dyeing materials, temperature, and fiber conditions. Even if they are made at the same time, they cannot be exactly the same. /Product Care Instructions/ pure cotton fabrics and plant , there will be no allergic problems.LINEBREAKBecause it is purely handmade from plants, it needs a little more care Hand wash with neutral lotion or clean water, and place in a cool place to air dry *For some two-color products, please be sure to wash according to the attached washing instruction. サイズ サイズ/寸法 幅(cm) 全長(cm) free size 120 200 サイズガイド
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¥ 6864
【Creema限定】タスマニアラムウール ブラックストライプヘリンボーン【送料無料】 Ω
¥ 6864
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¥ 4680
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¥ 3120
タスマニアラムウール 手織りマフラー ヘリンボーン ブラック×ホワイト【送料無料】 Ω
¥ 4680
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¥ 2340
手編みマフラー 茶MIX Ω
¥ 2340
手編みマフラー グレーMIX Ω
¥ 2340
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¥ 10595
340 入札履歴