『カリグラフィー - カスタマイズ可能なテキスト付き | 新築祝いのギフト | Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、639の入札を集めて05月10日 17時 51分に、3,074円で落札されました。即決価格は3,074円でした。決済方法はに対応。東京都からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
The calligraphy teacher made an innovative application of Chinese calligraphy. The written works are different due to the brushwork, strength and ink color. The presentation is as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water, and as pleasing to the eye as a splash-ink landscape. The product is written by the calligraphy teacher himself and then scanned and output. It does not need to be rewritten every time. ●Text: Northern Song Dynasty·Su Shi Last year the new willows announced the return of spring, today the remaining flowers are covered with green moss. There is a hall on the stream and I stay alone. Who is willing to come back if nothing happens? After playing the guqin, the wind blows the seat, and when I wake up in the mountain pavilion, the moon shines on my cup. Im too lazy to be a poet. I made a mistake. I promise to stay with you when the time comes. ●The product comes with a frame and can be hung (with hooks) or placed on the table. Please choose the following 2 types of picture frames: 1. Light brown solid wood picture frame ●Frame size: 38*53cm. ●Work size: 26*37cm. ●Output material: Printed on professional art paper. 2. Retro smoked white picture frame (please refer to the photo of light brown solid wood picture frame for text works) ●Frame size: 28.5*37cm. ●Work size: 20*28.5cm. ●Output material: Printed on professional art paper. ●Color: The color of each monitor will be slightly different, the actual product shall prevail. ●Copyright: This library retains the ownership of product editing, please do not copy and sell. ●Question: Please contact me if you have any questions, Im sorry, I do not accept returns. ●Customized products: If you want to customize other styles or different sizes, please contact me.
カリグラフィー - カスタマイズ可能なテキスト付き | 新築祝いのギフト | Ω
¥ 3125
カリグラフィー - カスタマイズ可能なテキスト付き | 新築祝いのギフト | Ω
¥ 3125
筆文字で差をつける!書道家が【ロゴ作成】承ります “迅速”かつ”丁寧”に。看板作成可/名刺/パッケージ/暖簾 Ω
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639 入札履歴