『【プレオーダー製品]日本ルーズリーフ緑の紙多層クリンチスタイルカードホルダー製 Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、804の入札を集めて04月22日 06時 27分に、6,706円で落札されました。即決価格は6,706円でした。決済方法はに対応。山形県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
※ This product is "custom orders" only after making a payment, making the average wait 5-7 days (not including holidays), please re-orders are acceptable. ※ To specify the arrival date, in order notes Todays pace is fast and slow? want to do anything at all? readily sized card folder. Loaded with your life and memory more clinch mezzanine card clip design, compact too addictive the finer things in life, all loaded sandwich . Specifications and precautions. / size, size, size / Size: W75 × H105 × D20 (mm) Origin: Japan Tochigi leather this style there are camel yellow / coffee brown / green / orange / red / black (please Remarks before the next one style color you want to buy) / material / body with vegetable-tanned leather Japan, Taiwan handmade. / reminders / 1. OUR leather goods Mining tanning dyeing process, another leather each situation is different, not the same degree of food color, natural color does not belong to a normal phenomenon. 2. Subsidiary leather straps are tanned harvest vegetable dyes, after a long period of sunshine or rain soaked Jieke make leather itself produce color change or water marks. 3. To adopt the Subsidiary leather straps are vegetable dyes tanning, after using the generated change, fade, and other characteristics of a normal phenomenon it through. blood tendons and leather on the lines 4. After ironing is produced, is a normal phenomenon.
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804 入札履歴