『黒いダイヤでの愛の潮袋 Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、519の入札を集めて05月27日 23時 18分に、3,353円で落札されました。即決価格は3,353円でした。決済方法はに対応。山口県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
* 10 / 10-10 / 24 ** Weekly anniversary of the department store * launched 【* Creema ** Autumn Shopping > section. A hundred brands offer free transport] * - - The event code is: ** FALLinFALL17 *** 32 the X-37 the X-12cm cotton dyeing love in which the black tide sack Diamond designs believes that "all the achievements are Is empty, except in love ", I also believe that you? ※ Now offer your beautiful gift - 25 wx 30 hx (bottom area 21 x 11cm) jute your bunches small tassel or small tipping kiosk Where a single purchase tassel bag, Your little bunched little bag or a small tassel bag, it is your lunch bag. Jute products are favored by the Europeans because hemp can be used by bacteria in the soil without the need for burning, 100% decomposition and absorption, the environment completely harmless. Europe and the United States found that the toughness and plasticity of jute, R & D found that the tropical area of the best species of wheat, especially in Bangladesh, India, began to counseling planting, the process of harvesting stem, soaked in water to make it soft, Textile, woven into a cloth. 【Material and Features】 Ma is a long, soft, shiny plant fiber that can be knitted into high-strength ropes. Material importance second only to cotton plant fiber, with a variety of uses. Jute is even called "gold fiber"; because it can not only show a glossy and natural silky sense, more importantly, the jute can be 100% biodegradable absorption, for the environment completely harmless. Most of the past as agricultural, industrial products, packaging materials. In recent years, through the continuous updating of technology, and designers are willing to do more design concerns for new materials, jute knitwear began to be favored. Jute is very resistant to dirt and heavy, each can withstand about 5 - 10 kg. Jute has the most natural rough touch. 【Jute maintenance method】 Jute (Jute) for the natural plant material, if dirty, please brush with a small brush gently brush to stains. Never recommend washing machine, suitable for dry cleaning. The first time to open the bag, there will be Ma natural plant taste, the use of two or three days after the natural dissipation. Encountered rain splashing water, place the natural dry can, without special exposure in the sun.
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519 入札履歴