『カシミアウール手織りポーチスライド Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-e6ccf21db3から出品され、603の入札を集めて05月26日 05時 36分に、4,655円で落札されました。即決価格は4,655円でした。決済方法はに対応。鳥取県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
[Size] 20 x 24 x 8 cm [Material] 100% wool, canvas [Origin] India, Kashmir [Washing method] Please wash and clean by hand, it is recommended to use a neutral detergent, and place in a dry and ventilated place after dehydration Just let it dry. The six words "small size, large capacity" are the perfect annotations for small shoulder bags. can put your mobile phone, wallet, key, and umbrella at the same time! If you often go out to dinner and go shopping during leisure time, you can go out immediately by carrying a small shoulder bag. _______________________________ day Indian friends Pola saw the tablecloth on my phone, my dog is standing on SLIDE photos, ask me "What is this?" I naturally replied: "This is my Dog." "No," she tilted her head and said, "Whats this under the dogs feet?" She put her finger on the slide, "Slide!" I replied disapprovingly again, "Whats that?" She took my phone over, trying to see it clearly. "Have you never seen a slide?" I asked in surprise, "No, what is this?" She gave me the classic Indian shook her head with wide curious eyes! This cultural difference is really interesting. Later, I showed her the Taiwanese slides. They are straight, spiral, made like trams, octopus, balloons, and I haven’t forgotten the water park. The swift water slide in the river. "Your country, crazy." After reading it, she smiled and said, "But Ill try if I go to Taiwan." Then immediately added this sentence. (Translation: Your country is crazy, but if I go to Taiwan, I will also want to try it.) This incident later became a small memory that I can’t forget. Although India is too big, there is no way to be sure if it’s true. There is no slide, but I like the feeling of knowing each others lives. There are always interesting things in this world, waiting for us to dig. **[Bag color]** base color of the bag is divided into "Navy" and "Camel". **[Embroidery story]** in Kashmir, because it is difficult for the outside world Contact, so they have developed self-reliant handcraft techniques since ancient times, which is the embroidery we see on this computer bag now. This weaving technique is also called "chain embroidery", which is called Chain Stich in English. Chain Stich (Chain Stich) As its name implies, the needle and thread track of embroidery is like a chain. The woolen thread is embroidered on various objects in a looping way. is that in addition to the handwork, every color and every thread we see is the color that the knitter uses according to the needs of the pure wool yarn, one by one with natural dyes, and then through three days. The sun is exposed to it. ❑ The woolen yarn products are toned and dyed with natural dyes one by one, so there may be surprises with the same pattern and slightly different colors. Each piece of embroidery is very solid and stable through such technology and temperature. We combine this time-consuming and labor-intensive craftsmanship with the bag. The purpose is to accompany you for a long time~ **【 Note】** ・Most of the embroidery techniques are horizontal strips. Sometimes, it is normal that the white cloth is exposed. After the order is placed, this reason is not accepted. ・Embroidered wool thread balls are all hand-dyed and made by different Indian families, so it is normal for the patterns to be slightly different! ・Handmade products may have traces of handwork. We will do our best to check the quality before shipment, but please super perfectionists to consider carefully before buying! ・If you want to see the products themselves, you are very welcome to visit the physical store in Trampers Ximen Red House in Taipei~
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